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"Nefernefer, lost between New York and Le Caire"

"Nefernefer, lost between New York and Le Caire"

Format 2mx105cm. Acrylic painting on cotton canvas. 

Serie Egypt 2.0., "Nefernefer lost between New York and Le Caire" was ended in December 2022. Nefernefer is represented between palm trees, reminiscent of her Egyptian origins and colorful buildings, symbols of our modern societies.  The major theme is the confrontation of two epochs: the antique and the actual ones.  The mobile phone stuck to her ear, she calls SOS, signifying her loss in this modern world to which she must henceforth belong. The canvas also highlights the danger of the disappearance of nature in our current societies, the disconnection of it and the danger it represents. Finally, she wears Egypt through her headdress and her very pop dress "I LOVE LE CAIRE"? It's the story of Nefernefer, lost between New York and Le Caire. 

    400,00 €Price
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